Bernard of Clairvax

This series of websites consists of biographical sketches of four key persons used by the Lord in His recovery: Bernard of Clairvaux, John Wycliffe, John Hus, and Martin Luther. It begins with those leading up to and including the Reformation. Through these believers, the Lord recovered items of truth and Christian experience, thereby making the desire of His heart progressively clearer to His whole body of believers. The inclusion of various men of God in this series should not be interpreted as an advocation or validation of everything for which they stood. Yet in their lives, each of these vessels of the Lord afforded Him a way to express something of Himself.

The subject of this first biographical sketch is Bernard of Clairvaux. The hymns written by Bernard give an indication of what kind of person he was. It is difficult to sing his hymns without being drawn into a deeper and sweeter fellowship with the Lord.

Surely Bernard had a living walk with the Lord

They stir up our love for the Lord and lead us into the enjoyment of His name. Surely Bernard had a living walk with the Lord. His experience of the Lord was deep, intimate, and sweet in spite of the dark age and environment in which he lived.

This website is a reproduction of “A Brief History of the Lord’s Recovery” authored by James Reetzke in The Firstfruits, published by Chicago Bibles and Books. Written permission has been obtained from the author to use this material on this website. For information about Chicago Bibles and Books please visit their website at
